Common Landing Page Errors That You Should Avoid At All Cost

There is no doubt a properly designed landing page is a treasure for any website. It exudes warmth to the customers, offers information to the leads, and collects the contact information of the visitors to help the SEO experts. There are many experts who really appreciate the benefits of a well-designed landing page for your SEO in Toronto.

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Saying that, you can reap all the benefits of the landing page if it is well designed and optimized for hooking the visitors. While most SEO experts want to design the landing page to achieve that, only a handful of them get there due to a number of common errors.

In the following section of this article, we have talked about the common errors that one can make while building the landing page. Check it out to make sure to avoid them at all cost.

Unclear Value Statement

The new visitor of any page typically stays 3 to 15 seconds before bouncing off. That span of time is the golden phase that you should utilise well. Offer a clear and visible reason for them to stick around and interact with your webpage.

The reason why the customers stick to your page is known as the value statement. You have to ask yourself whether the visitors are getting enough value for visiting your page. While high-quality content is a must, you should also need a hook to pull the visitors so that they experience the content.

Poor Signs & Buttons

For any landing page being pretty is a must. That does not mean it is the only requirement of it. The landing page must convince visitors to take proper action. So, if you do not create an easy to find call to action button, your main purpose of creating the landing page can go astray.

Also, make it clear to the visitors why they have appeared on your landing page. Tell them about their next actions and what they would get if they take that action. Good optimization in your landing page enhances the engagement and improves the ROI for your investment into SEO in Toronto.

Slow Loading Time

Loading time plays a crucial role when it comes to keeping the customers on your page. The more time your landing page takes to load, the more customers you will be losing. So, make sure that your page loads as quickly as possible. It will reduce the bouncing rate of your page and enhance the chances of lead generation.

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Only One Landing Page

To create a landing page, you have to understand the demographics of your customer, their hopes, dreams, pain points, likes and dislikes. That means if you cater to customers of different demographics and types, you can’t serve them all using a single landing page. Each of your customer groups will have different motivation and would require a different call to action for further engagement.

If you are trying to sell more than one product to the customers, then you should create different landing pages for them as well. It would help you to optimize the landing page for specific products and help you to get the best results.

You have to understand that there are no guaranteed SEO tactics that can bring you positive results. You have to constantly tweak the landing page of your website to check whether they are offering better results. The more you keep experimenting, the easier it would be for you to reap the most benefit from it.